Barbare Janjalashvili a student of School Education, Humanities and Social sciences, Participated in The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (also known as the Global UGRAD Program)

The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (also known as the Global UGRAD Program)
provides one-semester scholarships to outstanding undergraduate students from around the
world for non-degree full-time study combined with community service, professional
development, and cultural enrichment.

I am Barbare Janjalashvili, a 20-year-old student from Georgia, a senior at International
Black Sea University, studying International Relations. In Spring 2023 I became the finalist
of the Global UGRAD program for bachelor students, financed by the Department of State
and administered by local US embassies in addition to World Learning. This program gives
motivated youngsters a chance to study in the United States for one academic semester.
Thanks to this program, in August 2023 I had an opportunity to fly over the ocean just to
be in the land with the same name. I am currently enrolled at Georgia College & State
University, Georgia’s public liberal arts school, founded in 1889 and ranked as one of the
top colleges in the United States. I am continuing my studies in Political Science.
Coming to the US as a student was a dream I had been longing for several years. Even
though I considered myself ready, it was challenging to adapt to a completely different
lifestyle. However, I am already in love with my college, where every department comes
together to make the students a priority and encourage them to succeed. Georgia College
is in the middle of a small town, Milledgeville, which is known for its historical places, such as
as the governor’s mansion. Founded in 1803, Milledgeville served as the capital of Georgia
during the Civil War.
Being a student in the former capital of the state of Georgia and one of the top-ranked
colleges is challenging but indeed exciting. IBSU has played a definite role in helping me
cope with the challenges I face here with its standards and education level.