Gvanca Basilashvili a student of School Education, Humanities and Social Sciences Participated in The Erasmus+ Exchange Program of the Eötvös Loránd University
“J.K. Rowling once said that the world is full of beauty we have yet to see. And we should never miss the opportunity to see them. Perhaps this phrase helped me overcome my fear, because we all know how difficult it is to step out of the comfort zone and take on the responsibility of studying abroad. At this time, you have to present not only yourself and your knowledge, but also your university and country.
It all started when I found out about the exchange program competition. I immediately forwarded the required documents like resume, character sheet, mark sheet and cover letter. I went to the second round and already had an interview here, which was not difficult.
And that’s how I was selected for the program, followed by collecting documents for the embassy. As soon as I got the visa, I bought the tickets and so I left on August 28 for a new adventure. Before the lectures, we were given a tour of the city. I met very interesting people here, with whom I spend a pleasant time all this time. We celebrated Halloween together and organized International Cooking Day.
Lecturers are always ready to help each student. And the learning process is excitingly interesting. I distinctly remember the literature course, during which we discussed various works. This is more like a trip to ancient times than a learning process.
The contribution of the university during this exchange program is truly appreciated. Studying in the English sector at IBSU helped me to give my best to finish this semester with top grades. I am very grateful to the whole university and each lecturer, because they gave me this chance.
I would like to advise applicants to choose IBSU, since this university gives every student the opportunity to receive education from leading lecturers. I also want to tell each applicant and student that it is really worth participating in the exchange program, and moreover, it is one of the best things in student life, which helps us develop ourselves.”