11th International Research Conference on Education, Language and Literature
11th International Research Conference on Education, English Language Teaching, English Language and Literature in English (IRCEELT 2021) was held ONLINE due to COVID-19 on May 22-23, 2021, and it was organized by International Black Sea University, Tbilisi, Georgia.
The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers, practitioners and policy makers to discuss issues, tackle real challenges, develop professionally, share opinions, find solutions and explore opportunities in the areas of education. The conference serves the purpose of promoting a tight link between theory and practice and explores different perspectives on the application of research findings into practice. The conference usually attracts participants from different countries, and this year’s conference was not an exception with Georgia, the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Poland, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Belarus, Russia, Armenia, etc. participating.
Participants in the conference underlined that the conference was informative and worthwhile. Even though online communication might be limiting in some ways, the participants were actively involved in the sessions and discussed issues in a variety of fields – education, education leadership, management and administration, linguistics, TESOL, Anglo-American literature, etc. A Webinar on Online/Distance Learning in the Time of COVID-19 integrated within the framework of the conference added more value as practicalities of online teaching and learning were discussed. The participants’ presence helped to make this event a great success, and their enthusiasm and positive spirit helped make our time together both productive and valuable. The keynote speakers and workshop presenters were highly qualified professors from the leading universities of Europe, the United States of America and Canada.
We certainly hope that the conference has been all that participants expected it to be, and that the participants have taken the opportunity to make new network even it was online, renew old acquaintances for their continued success.
The conference was streamed online/live on The Conference’s YouTube and Facebook accounts to provide opportunity for the people who were not able to participated.
The working language for the conference was English. The presented papers cover a wide range of topic:
Education (history, philosophy, psychology, theoretical issues in education)
Classroom management
Education leadership, management and administration
Methods of teaching languages (innovation and effectiveness)
Innovations and effective practices in education and language teaching
Computer-assisted teaching
Anglo-American linguistics and literature
Language and culture
The research papers are printed in conference proceedings (ISSN: 2298-0180). The conference details can be accessed from: https://ircelt.ibsu.edu.ge/